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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  January 8, 2016 4:00am-4:31am PST

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later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." from the broadadad cen later for the morning news and "cbs this morning." captioning funded by cbs captioning funded by cbs it's friday, january 8th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." two men suspected of having ties to overseas terror groups are under arrest. one of them, a refuge who came to the united states from syria. president obama puts a target on the nra. at a town hall meeting, the president accuses the gun lobby group of distorting his position on gun ownership. will the markets end a volatile week on an upswing? wall street breathing a sigh of relief this morning after chinese stocks rally overnight. and she might be the biggest
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pop star in the world, but beyonce has plans on stealing the show the next time she takes the stage. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters in new york. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. two men arrested on terrorism related charges are expected to make their first court appearances today. one was picked up in california and the other in texas. both are refuges from the middle east and there may be a connection. brian webb is here in new york with the details. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning. federal prosecutors say there is no indication that either suspect was planning an attack in the u.s. but the arrest drew immediate criticism of the president's refuge policy. court documents reveal the 23-year-old sacramento suspect communicated over social media with an unnamed individual living in texas back in 2013. in one exchange, the two
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allegedly discussed training and fighting overseas. the texas person, identified as individual i, writes, i need to learn from your weapon expertise. the sacramento suspect responds, if you arrive and i am still there, i will train you. a criminal complaint unsealed thursday accuses the sacramento man of traveling to syria from the u.s. and back again after fighting alongside a terror organization, then lying to investigators about it. authorities say the iraqi citizen originally came to the u.s. as a refuge in 2012. >> this is an individual who was committed to going back home and -- as an iraqi to fight what he perceives were corrupt and regimes. >> reporter: law enforcement officials accuse the houston suspect of providing material support to isis. the 24-year-old texas man entered the u.s. as an iraqi refuge in 2009 and was granted
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permanent resident status in 2011. the charges are reignited a debate on the campaign trail over admitting syrian refuges into the u.s. >> we should not be allowing isis terrorists to come back to america with u.s. passports and wage jihad to attempt to murder innocent men and women in this country. >> reporter: both suspects are scheduled to appear in federal court today. in a statement, texas governor greg abbott called on the president to halt the resettlement of refuges in the u.s. until there is an effective vetting process to ensure americans' safety. >> brian webb in new york, thanks a lot, brian. today in silicon valley, the obama administration is asking for the tech's industry from stopping terrorists from online recruiting. representatives from apple, google, facebook, microsoft and twitter and linkedin are expected to meet with federal officials.
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one is how terrorists used encryption to hide their communication. overseas now. the syrian government says it will allow humanitarian aid into several towns where residents are starving to death. the situation is desperate for some 40,000 residents of madaya. they are just some of the victims of the syrian civil war. the last food delivery was in october. they are surrounded by government troops and numerous reports that people have died of malnutrition. president obama is putting the gun lobby in his sights. at a televised town hall meeting, he accuses the national rifle association of stoking conspira conspiracy theories that the government is set to taking away guns. >> every time there is a mass shooting, gun sales spike. and part of the reason is is that the nra has convinced many of its members that somebody is going to come grab your guns. >> reporter: a fired up president obama lit int the nra thursday night, accusing the
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group of igniting its members by distorting his interpretation of the second amendment. >> the conversation has to be based on facts and truth and what we are actually proposing. not some, you know, imaginary fiction in which obama is trying to take away your guns. >> reporter: the gun lobby group declined an invitation to attend the town hall meeting and, instead, calling it a public relations spectacle. but the president was challenged by members of the audience, including taya kyle, the wife of american sniper chris kyle and a rape survivor. >> so why can't your administration see that the restrictions you're putting to make it harder for me to own a gun or harder for me to take that where i need to be is actually just making my kids and i less safe? >> reporter: the meeting comes two days after the president took executive action to expand gun control measures and that has put gun control near the top of the agenda on the presidential campaign. >> i will get rid of gun-free
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zones on schools. you have to. and on military bases, my first day, it gets signed, okay? my first day. there is no more gun-free zone. >> the first thing i intend to do is rescind every single illegal and unconstitutional executive action taken by this president. >> meanwhile, president obama wrote in a "the new york times" op-ed that he will not support or campaign for any political candidate who doesn't support what he calls common sense gun reform. well, the trump campaign vetted people trying to attend a rally in vermont. trump claims more than 20,000 people showed up for the 1,400 spots at last night's event in with burlington. they were asked if they supported trump. only those who said yes were allowed in. but in spite of the campaign's best efforts, trump was interrupted eight times by protesters.
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coming up on "cbs this morning," major garrett talks with ted cruz about taking on donald trump as they look ahead to iowa. this morning, the chinese stock market regained some of the ground it lost during yesterday's free-fall. the shanghai composite finished the day 2% higher. new circuit breaker regulations that shut down trading yesterday were suspended. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange. jill, good morning. >> good morning. fears about the chinese economy and dropping oil prices that triggered another big sell-off here on wall street. the dow plunged 392 points and s&p lost 47 and off to its worst four-day start of the year ever. the nasdaq dropped 146 points or 3% of its value. the nasdaq has fallen for six straight dates. the past five trading days, including december 31st, the dow has lost 1,036 points or nearly 6%. the price of oil dropped to a 12-year low. this morning, though, u.s. crude
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is trading at 33 dollars a barrel. today, traders will be watching what happens with the december jobs report. the first measure of how the u.s. economy fared for all of last year. analysts expects 210,000 more jobs were created in december and that the unemployment rate dropped to 4.9% and the first time this seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell below 5% since 2007. anne-marie? >> jill wagner at the new york stock exchange, jill, you will be back a little later with our business headlines. well, now to the weather, which has been as volatile as the stock market. another el nino-triggered storm is headed toward the west coast, while more flooding is forecast for mississippi and the ohio valleys. yesterday, powerful waves battered the california coast near san francisco. a man watching the monster waves roll in got drenched! to the south in san diego, this driver drove his 200,000 dollar lamborghini into high water. the engine never stalled.
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i guess that's what you pay for. the flood threat continues along the mississippi river. in vicksburg, the river is expected to crest over 50 feet and more rain will continue there tonight. a local sheriff is trying to end the armed occupation of a federal wildlife refuge in southeastern oregon. harney county sheriff david ward met with ammon bundy, the leader of the armed protesters. ward asked bundy to end the but he refused. they plan to talk again today. coming up on the morning news, controversial comments. the governor of maine faces criticism for racially charged claims about drug traffickers. and, later, hundreds of thousands of time warner customers may have had their information hacked. this is the "cbs morning news." s." neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that?
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neutrogena. people can forget their quiltbathroom experience. well but sir froggy can never forget. "what's worse", he thinks... "that my arms can never relax or my eyes can never look away?" ♪ hair color wants to to help you keep on being you.. nice'n easy. we only make the most real natural looking color.
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so even in revealing sunlight, it doesn't look like hair color at all. it looks like, it's a hundred percent you. and isn't that the most beautiful part? nice'n easy: color as real as you are. jane didn't like restrictions. not in life. and not when it came to watching her calories. why settle on taste? jane thought. that's why jane loves light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. bursting with rich creamy awesomeness and 12 grams of protein. all for 80 calories. no settling here. what else does jane love? that you could win a fitbit flex from light & fit. learn more on specially marked packs. light & fit. feel free to enjoy. breaking news from overnight. a philadelphia police officer is expected to survive after being shot multiple times. police say he was ambushed as he
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sat in his patrol car. a gunman walked up and fired 13 shots. the officer was hit several times in the arm, but returned fire. the suspect ran off, but was quickly arrested by other officers. ferocious wildfires are burning out of control in western australia. three people are missing and nearly a hundred homes are destroyed. four firefighters are injured. lightning strikes sparked the fires. maine's governor is under fire for racially charged comments. and the mother of the affluenza teen is back in texas. those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. the dallas morning news reports the mother of the so-called affluenza teen will appear today before a texas judge. tonya couch is behind bars in ft. worth after arriving thursday from los angeles. she was deported from mexico last week where her son ethan is in custody. he is accused of violating probation he is serving for killing four people in a 2013 drunk driving crash.
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the "portland press herald" reports on controversial comments by maine's governor. >> these are the guys named demoney, smoothie, shifty. these type of guys come from connecticut and new york. they come up here and sell their heroin and then they go back home. incidentally, they impregnate a young white girl before they leave. >> reporter: paul lepage made those remarks on wednesday. the communications director defended the remarks saying lepage wasn't speaking about race but the emotional toll that drugs have on children. "people" reports on what caused the death of singer natalie cole who passed away last week. her family said she died from idiopathic pulmonary hypertension which caused heart failure. the diagnosis came after she received a new kidney in 2009. the "sun sentinel" in south florida reports manatees may soon lose their endangered
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status. the u.s. fish and wildlife service plans to reclassify the so-called sea cows from a danger to threatened. the agency says its population has rebounded and there are more than 6,300 manatees in the southeast. still to come, two big tv returns. we give you a sneak peek at the "fuller house" cast all grown up. and the drama "game of thrones" announces its season's premiere dates. mom knows it needs a big solution: an antiviral. don't kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptoms and ask about prescription tamiflu. attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions,
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or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. your hair is still thinning. you may have inactive follicles. reactivate them with women's rogaine® foam. the only once a day treatment proven to regrow new hairs up to 48% thicker. revive your va-va-voom. and save $10.
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. netflix introduced this week that subscribers have viewed nearly 12 billion amount of content the last three months. the only thing they still haven't viewed is the sun. >> hey, it's winter. what are you going to do? might as well stay inside. on the cbs "moneywatch" get ready to watch more netflix. first, new problems for blue bell ice cream. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange. good morning again, jill. >> reporter: blue bell released forced to shut down because of listeria released an update on its enhanced cleaning efforts. they suspect listeria may still be present but none of
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its ice cream or other products have tested positive. blue bell recalled all of its ice cream in april of last year and closed its plants. they have since reopened and production resumed. time warner says it was hacked. the e-mail addresses and passwords about 320,000 time warner customers may have been compromised. the fbi informed time warner about the hack, but time warner says there is no evidence that the systems that operate e-mail accounts have been breached. a menu change at chick-fil-a. bye-bye, coleslaw. hello, kale. the fast food chain is replacing coleslaw with kale salad. it has maple vinaigrette dressing and topped with almonds and pecans. chick-fil-a say this was a change for growing demand for health care options. more people will be watching video than television by the end of the decade. he predicts in a matter of years, digital video will become the single largest way that people spend their free time.
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the viewing of online video is growing 60% annually. speaking of digital video. netflix released the first pictures of the "full house" reboot, "fuller house." can discameron and jody sweden and andrea barber return. they look someone like they did in the '90s family sitcom. bob saget and john stamos are also back. >> jill wagner at the new york stock exchange, thanks a lot, jill. i wonder how they will explain the whole twins not being there? have to wait for that. the wait is over for "game of thrones" fans. hbo says the season sixth premiere will be april 24th and that word comes as the network says it's in talk to bring back the fantasy hit series for two more seasons. for the first time in season six, the show will move beyond the story lines laid out in george r.r. martin's books. still ahead, super bowl show stopper. halftime show performers coldplay will be joined on stage next month by a superstar. details ahead. this is my family.
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being a part of helping people in need is who i am. working at brookdale for me is not just a job, it's a life for me. i love it. i formed many connections with the residents. i feel like i am part of their family and they're part of mine. if you can get up in the morning, ya know, shake the dust and go up there and make somebody happy, when i go to sleep, i did my job. do it... take the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. if your hair, skin and nails don't look more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it... and i feel beautiful. visit for details.
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to join terrorists overseas. also... a new hurdle, for t warriors' plans to leave oad for san francisco. and it's being called the biggest lottery jackpot eve the u-s. a look at how large powerball prize is getting, the rush to buy tickets. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 good morning. it's friday, january eighth. i'm ,,,,
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. pay my student loans off. i will share with my kids. it would help me out a lot. >> what would you do with $700 million? >> take care of some of the people i know need to be helped. the prize for this week's drawing has grown to a record $700 million. lottery officials say it could grow even bigger by the weekend. odds of winning? a slim 1 in 192 million. peyton manning is taking back his old job. he'll be the denver broncos starting quarterback when they play their first playoff game
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next week. manning came off the bench in week 17 to lead denver to a win. he had missed seven previous starts due to injury. the broncos don't know who they will face. that will be decided during wildcard weekend. we will be bringing one of the games to you. the pittsburgh steelers take on the cincinnati bengals tomorrow night. coverage starts at 8:00 p.m. eastern. beyonce will perform for this year's super bowl halftime show. its her second appearance after headlining the event in 2013 in new orleans. the singer will join coldplay for the mid game performance. beyonce recently collaborated with coldplay on their latest album. and you can watch super bowl 50 from levi stadium in santa clara, california, on sunday, february 7th, right here on cbs. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," actor tim daly. i'm anne-marie green. and this is the "cbs morning news."
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they are known for hair loyalty. now one dog is creditedit they are known for their loyalty. now one dog is credited with saving another dog's life after the two scottish terriers ran off in massachusetts tuesday. police found one dog, which led rescuers to the second that was trapped down an embankment. both are safe this morning. police dash cam video captured the roadside delivery of a baby by two new jersey state troopers. >> keep going! >> breathe, breathe. >> keep going. keep going. >> good, good. >> there we go! >> the mom gave birth on the shoulder of the garden state parkway monday morning as she and her husband rushed to the hospital. four minutes after the troopers arrived, the newborn was in mom's hands.
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>> once the baby came out, father's first words out of his mouth was, like, what is it? what is it? and at that point, you know, we are seeing a baby and got to look. it's a girl! you know? >> they are beaming. both are reported to be doing well. a baby in plano, texas made her public debut on thursday. her birth was possible through an unusual surrogacy. omar villafranca has the story. >> say hi to the world. >> reporter: meet baby kelsey. she is here because of her grandmother. kelly suffered three miscarriages and her mother offered to be her surrogate. >> we talked to the doctor about it and be tested. the miracle happened. >> reporter: 54-year-old tracy thompson gave birth to her own grandchild yesterday. >> my lovely mom offered to give me the greatest gift i could ever have in my life. >> reporter: thompson says being pregnant with her granddaughter
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was not so easy. >> the second trimester was great. there. the first and the third were really tough. >> reporter: during delivery, doctors performed an emergency cesarean section after the baby's heart rate dropped. >> when you look at the picture, it's an extreme miracle. >> reporter: mom, daughter, and granddaughter now share a stronger bond and driven with fertility options that don't give up. >> you have friends and there are many women who are willing to do it and you can have your biological child still. >> reporter: doctors say kelsey is healthy, weighing 6 pounds and 11 ounces. omar villafranca, cbs news, plano, texas. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," amid powerball lottery mania. we will show you how the so-called lottery curse has left many winners high and dry. plus, the government's new dietary guidelines and allegations the food industry watered down the
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recommendations. actor tim daly from "madam secretary" joins us in the studio. that is the "cbs morning news" for this friday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. ,,,,
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s. your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. taking a live look out at the golden gate bridge right now, look at that! there's no rain. >> i know. it's dry pavement.
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>> what's that like? >> that's not going to last for long. it's friday, january 8. i'm michelle griego. >> good morning, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it is 4:30 on the nose right now. i want a show of hands of those who are glad it's friday. >> unanimous! >> that was a no-brainer. [ laughter ] >> i have been on vacation for a week so it's my monday, not friday. >> one day workweek. we're glad you're in for roberta. >> good to be here for ro. we are in the winter weather season and there's a lot to talk about. but we have a shorted break in the rain giving us time to absorb some of the rain we have seen lately and more rain on the way as early as tonight for the north bay. right now, out the door, no need for the umbrella. partly cloudy, 30s and 40s areawide. i'll time out the rain and tell you what it looks like for the weekend in just a bit. >> eastbound 4 at hillcrest lanes just cleared. we were


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